Saturday, April 9, 2011

Waste of time...

Confession - I absolutley love "everybody loves Raymond". It's by far my favorite tv show and I watch the reruns almost every single day, even though I know all the episodes basically by heart. Waste of time you say, well - I agree! There are so many other things I could and should be doing instead of watching these episodes. Better, more productive, more important things. But at the same time, I feel like I HAVE to watch it before I go to sleep. It makes me feel good and happy! I don't know what it is. Do I want my life to look like that? Not really. Living across from my in laws and having a manipulative, lazy husband. Does not sound good at all. Is it the family thing? being so close to eachother. Maybe - I mean I definitley have so many issues with my family, except that they're not so funny...
Maybe I don't really need to explain it. It is what it is. I like watching tv and I like this show and it makes me relaxed and that's all there is to it. Do I have to feel guilty about it? Sometimes I wonder why this bothers me so much. I just want to enjoy it... It's interesting - the guilt is a repetitive theme on this show (and in my life). Oh well - no solutions tonight. Back to watching tv - guess what's on...?!


  1. It's a funny show! We all have that one show we can't get enough of....mine is Gilmore Girls! I want to be Lorelai, lol (of course without the teenage daughter and I do like having my husband around)... but I never get sick of watching it...over...and over....

  2. Mine is Roseanne :) I've even bought the seasons on DVD!

  3. One of my favorite shows too, watch it all the time. Your newest follower from mbc.

  4. You write just like me at times ;)

    I use to love Everybody loves Raymond.. and then it was Roseanne, and now it's "Horders Buried Alive"
    My boyfriend watches "Scrubs" on a daily and very addicted basses!
    So do not feel bad .. we all have our shows.. I promise you that. It may not be for the same reasons as others.. or it may not be for a reason at all. Do we really need to have reasons to do anything in life ? I saw NO! ( not always any ways )

    I am now following you as well. Come visit my blog if you would like
    and Visit me at

    ** Have a good night and Enjoy "Everybody Loves Raymond"

  5. I think we all have our guilty pleasures. The less we worry about explaining them, the better off we will be! I pretty much like anything on Bravo!
